So it’s taken me about a week to finally get to blogging about the murders in Iowa. I’m angry and disgusted, and left with more questions than answers. By way of backgrounder, Steve Sueppel, a former VP of Hills Bank and Trust (one of Iowa’s largest locally-owned banks) was under indictment on federal embezzlement and […]
First, I advise readers to read my brief diary on Daily Kos about how I primarily relate to and remember the former Ohio Senator. AFTERWARDS, read down through the rest of this. On some of the comment threads on dKos and elsewhere about the Senator’s passing, expressions of gratitude from adoptive parents have appeared a […]
Filed under:
Uncategorized on March 14th, 2008
Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988,
Adoption Hall of Fame,
adoption industry,
Baby Dump laws,
Baby Moses Laws,
Baby Safe Haven,
Carter administration,
Draft Model State Adoption Act 1979,
Friend of Adoption Award,
Howard Metzenbaum,
Legalized Abandonment laws,
Multi-Ethnic Placement Act of 1994,
WAL*MART1 Comment »
(Perhaps a topic some may feel is not directly “adoption related” but I at least find it pertinent.) Go read this article- “Sonny Skyhawk turns the table on Indian cinema“. No, I am not saying Bastards removed at times forceably from (familial and other) context by governmental intrusion are akin to the intentional campaign and […]