Federici Fiasco
Yeah been a bit since I’ve blogged, let’s pick up where I left off- “Attachment” related bullshit.
Wayward Radish, the blogger behind A Search for Survivors has written a number of posts this week pertaining to Ronald S. Federici and the disabling of Pound Pup Legacy (PPL).
“The Emperor” strikes back: Pound Pup Legacy shut down over information about Ronald Federici
“Authoritarian Turnip” Ronald Federici Is Now Attempting to Silence Survivors of Child Torture
Ronald Federici Tries (and Fails) to Shut Down “A Search For Survivors” in its Entirety
Much as Federici would often prefer to wrap what he does up in the pretty bow of words like “Neuropsychological and Family Therapy” he is has still been very much a part of the “attachment” crowd not the least of which being the whole Texas Christian University/Hope Connection (camp) nest. (See this Inside Dateline personal note (PDF) backgrounder to the promo puff piece Dateline ran back in 2006 on Federici and Karyn Puvis.) Federici was involved in evaluating many of the “camp kids” according to the account.
His own webpage about page utilizes the conflationary term “attachment-related disorders” as an area of treatment. (Conflationary, in that “Reactive Attachment Disorder” or RAD is recognized by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, whereas the more general heading of quack psuedo “therapies” generally referred to as “attachment therapy” are not. By utilizing the term “attachment-related disorders”, Federici is intentionally building in a form of deniability for himself.)
Neuropsychological and Family Therapy Associates is committed to providing the most comprehensive evaluation and state-of-the-art treatment services for children having the “full range” of Developmental and Psychiatric Disorders. Conditions such as autistic spectrum disorders; complex learning and attentional disorders; minimal brain dysfunction conditions; severe disruptive and behavioral disorders; chronic psychiatric disorders ; attachment-related disorders; post-traumatic stress disorders (following abuse and neglect from early childhood experiences); and chronic stress affecting family functioning.
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and holds children down while yelling at them…
March 29th, 2009 at 6:02 pm
[…] Then we have this from S, my intimidatingly bluestocking bastard-in-arms from Baby Love Child: Much as Federici would often prefer to wrap what he does up in the pretty bow of words like […]