Adoptee Rights 101: Class Bastard and how to recognize a genuine adoptee rights bill
The “joke’s” on us- Bastard access to our own records
Once again Bastardette picks apart the conflations and reveals the anti-autonomist core
I’ve got your *REAL* fake birth certificate right here, wingnut!
On so called ‘the primal wound’: “personal problems” vs. political solutions
“Expendables”- the human toll of legislation that “compromises” us away
My comment on 73 adoptee’s “Compromising On Adoptee Access? The Foot You Shoot May Be Your Own”
Prospect of open records makes IL Catholic Conference fearful of potential lawsuits
Jessica Scovil: when the foster system fails completely
Adoption as a modern Feminist institutional blindspot
Attachment Quackery first full post
A good article on Late Discovery and the consequences thereof
Catholic Charities offers up another lifetime’s worth of lies and false “reunion”
How’s that Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption workin’ out for you then?
China, “Orphans,” and economic and legal coercion- just another example of the “Baby Economy”
Haiti, and the constant drumbeat of the demand for children
Outsourcing reproduction, fertility tourism, and the money (or lack thereof) at the heart of it all
Orson Mozes and the perfect symbiosis
Adoption subsidies for frozen corpses, more on the Maryland nightmare
Implications of the abandonment laws, adoption financial incentives, and language tangles
A critical perspective on the “baby safe haven”/babydump programs
Still more Border Babies routinely relabeled “safe haven saves” in OH, NJ, MI, and KY
A note concerning adoptees with sealed records, not in reunion, and the census
Dmitry Yakolev’s / Chase Harrison’s death and the lingusistic objectification of adoptees
High speed photolistings, will the adoptions crash and burn?
Well, someone had to be the first to blog “baby trader magazine!”
With apologies to both Horace Mann and Rod Serling:
"Be ashamed to" write unless you are willing to “menace the public conscience.”
For all my NaBloPoMo posts see my October 2010 index post and my my November 2010 index post.
Copyright © 2025
After several e-mails back and forth I accepted on March 14th ’08.
So I’ve been working on this formally since March.
Which I suppose just shows you don’t even know how ARD’s own organizing and volunteer coordination was going.
Simply put you have no idea how much work I did or didn’t put into this event, but even what you did see was certainly more than 2 days, and you know it.
The list came into existence VERY late in the game. Which in and of itself was insane. The list existed for less than a week before the withdrawals and resignations began.
How the hell anyone was supposed to be organizing any kind of event without the most basic of communications vehicles between the parties? It was just unfathomable.
People were exchanging personal e-mails, waiting for permission to forward things to third parties. To clean up that mess, I advocated on May 23rd, in personal e-mail to you, that a list desperately needed to be created:
“If nothing else, it wastes time to have to reiterate multiple times over some of the basic conversations.”
May 20th I wrote you in personal e-mail:
One of the ideas we had, (though for all I know such may already exist), was to create sort of a ‘working list’ e-mail-wise, to get all of us and anyone else who will sort of be doing organizing in the lead up to the event communicating directly and up to speed on what’s going on. I’m not talking about the main e-mail list for the event, but a much smaller invite only list for dealing with the details of pulling this off. We could set up a googlegroup in no time if that’s the kind of thing you might want. Just let me know.
You finally created a list on the 23rd, after admitting that the lack of communication was really messing things up. But prior to that, organizers, volunteers, etc had no communications vehicle other than direct e-mail and phone.
Ron’s suspension piece was a hell of a lot more than just a “request of insight into suspension.”
Ron was the person who had brought up the idea of going to the National Conference of State Legislators annual meeting in the first place. Ron is the one who contacted some of us about working with DAR.
When he posted his proposed suspension piece on the 29th, this was after you had come back to us the night before with the grand total of 4 hotel rooms booked in the Best Western.
The BN hotel had more, but ultimately let’s face it the numbers just weren’t there for any kind of ‘Mass action’ as the event had originally been proposed to be.
So Ron called for suspension, and later that night the first of the withdrawals began.
I stayed on until Friday evening.
You say you’ve been organizing since August, fine.
Let’s talk about where things stood. Me resigning as the person working the volunteers for the march was ultimately not particularly relevant because:
1. There was no permit for the March nor for the picket outside the convention center. Unless something has changed there still isn’t.
2. I asked from the moment I came o board how volunteer recruitment was going. It took a long time to get an answer. When I finally did the number was first 3 people (to run a march of at the time an unspecified number of marchers- it could have been 5 or could have been 500.)
Once I was actually able to see the data, I found myself with ONE volunteer to help run the march.
So resigning at that point was practically superfluous to what Ron had asked me to do, there was no permitted march and there was only ONE volunteer.
Since you folks were clearly, shall we say, falling down in the volunteer recruitment arena, I stepped up, within 24 hours of the realization that I had one volunteer, I put out a release calling for volunteers. I specifically requested other organizers help me spread it far and wide.
Yet you never posted it to the ARD website and as far as I can tell, (since no one communicated any action to me) no one did anything with it other than me.
At the time people began to withdraw the booth had been paid for, but the additional costs for drape etc hadn’t, Lafayette square had been paid for. There was a block of rooms at the Best Western with 4 booked. The Country Inn and suites had other reservations. That was the state of things.
There was no ‘march’ other than the possibility of people walking single file to the convention center- until the point at which enough money had come together to get the permits.
I asked you on the phone about the permits, seeing as they were shall we say pretty damn fundamental to what I had signed on to do with DAR. You said you needed something from BN. So I called BN, they said they were still waiting for documentation from you. So I brought that back to you, you said it was your fault.
Hell yes there’s a lot not being said here, Gershom, I certainly agree with you on that.
Care to talk about how site traffic to use your word went “un-freakin-real” (as in wonderful) after you reorganized some aspects on the website per my suggestions?
Care to talk about how the many forms of support I gave you, personally?
Nah,that would cloud that black and white, good-guy bad guy thing certain people insist is in all this.
The truth is a hell of a lot more clouded and we ALL know it.
But from the moment I contacted you via e-mail offering to help (which you promptly forwarded to Ron without my consent) I’ve done everything I could to pull this ongoing disaster outta the crapper.
When I came on board you had gotten a redundant second hotel and signed the contract on if for as far as I can tell, no reason. That was the level of lack of miscommunication that was happening. ‘Oh but the Adult Adoptees wanted a hotel… .’
BASIC pieces of organizing were completely absent.
I do understand you’re new to this, if you remember, I gave you a hell of a lot of support about that.
Due to circumstances, some beyond everyone’s control. A lot got left to you.
Yet when we spoke on the 23rd, you admitted you had been “slacking”. So don’t sit here and tell me I have done EVERYTHING. Not you, not bastard nation, not ron, ME. that’s bullshit and you know better.
Over and over again, I kept discovering there was less there than even you thought.
I asked you how many people we had actually coming and what dates they were going to be in town for. You had no idea. That was where your idea of making the calls came from.
Fine, you can bitch about us not helping, but I was doing things like sitting in medical waiting rooms,while Marley was traveling. Both of which, you knew.
As I said even four days ago on my blog
Personally, my beef is not with Gershom.
This is not an attack on Gershom
My opinion of you in the last four days however, has changed greatly.
Thursday, June 5, 2008 3:14:00 AM EDT