Well, I WAS all set to put up a nice cheery little blog entry this morning, so much for that. Instead, we’ll turn to more pressing matters. Expect the happy happy sunshine little blog post at a later, much more appropriate date. No this morning, we turn our attention to further horror in the Guatemalan […]
Filed under:
Uncategorized on May 24th, 2008
animal cruelty,
Enna Barreto,
Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
Janet and Ramon Barreto,
medical intervention,
paperwork free children,
Sexual abuse,
uncommunicative6 Comments »
Turning to local news, Samuel and Donna Merryman are finally off to jail for starving the son they adopted from Russia to death. Clearly, their “deep faith” was no obstacle to torturing and starving Dennis (born Dennis Uritsky): (Quoting from this Baltimore Sun article, Prison for Child’s Death) “Dennis died in January 2005. Photos taken […]